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Our directory and informational web sites contains copyrighted text and images, trademarks and design patents therefore none of the information, illustrations, photographs, designs, layout, video or audio my be copied without expressed written permission by Mean Cash Inc.

Any RSS feed from one of our sites or blogs or Twitter feeds that you place on your site must give us credit directly above or below the feed in a text link the same size the same as the feed to the corresponding site. Content scraping is forbidden and will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Our web sites may describe and promote among other activates travel, outdoor sports and other activities which because of their nature are potentially dangerous. By using any of our web sites or information provided including recommendations you are indemnifying Mean Cash Inc for any use or misuse of their web sites.

Mean Cash Inc gathers information for sites through trusted 2nd parties sometimes via automated methods. Mean Cash Inc can not guarantee the accuracy of the information and you are indemnifying Mean Cash Inc for any errors on any web sites.

If a 2nd party or 3rd party are advertising or providing information for a Mean Cash Inc site and you have a problem with the accuracy of the advisement or information in the advertisement please E-mail us at: problem@meancash.com.

The opinions and ideas expressed on any Mean Cash Inc Web sites may not reflect the opinions of companies advertising on or linking to Mean Cash Inc web sites. While we strive to have advertisers and only link to sites whose opinion we agree with, Mean Cash advertisers and sites which Mean Cash links to may not have the same opinions and ideas as Mean Cash Inc.

Mean Cash Inc will at times publish comments and opinions submitted to us on our blogs and other web sites that may not be the opinion of Mean Cash Inc and we reserve to right to delete or not publish any comment for any reason. Mean Cash Inc is not responsible for the accuracy or contents of any comments and opinions submitted to us that are published and that anyone submitting comments to Mean Cash Inc sites indemnifies Mean Cash Inc for the publishing of such information.

An advertisement on our site does not mean that the company, products or services have a recommendation from Mean Cash Inc. If a listing on our directory states "not recommended" this indicates that we can not recommend a listing. "Recommended: against" is where information provided to us shows we should recommend anyone against visiting a web site and or using the service, product or company listed.

Ratings are based on the information we have available to us and ratings are subject to change without notice. Any listing that is no longer in our automated directory system as an advertiser or when a free or trail subscription may expire and lose their rating and become "not rated". Not rated means just that, not rated.